"Philosophy of integrity" of "demonic" images of M. A. Vrubel’s creativity

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The article presents the original development of the image «System effect» created on the basis of the derived system of symbols, the main provisions of which originate from the analysis of «demonic» imag es of M. A. Vrubel's creativity. The point of view on which the authors rely is conditioned by the ideas of philosophy of integrity as a conception that plays a decisive role in the perception of M. A. Vrubel's paintings and helps understand the very essence of his «demonic». The consistent analysis of Vrubel's images allowed to make the following conclusions: the specifics of interpreting M. A. Vrubel's «demonic» images is сonditioned by the unique system of symbols, whose features are diverse on the emotional and ideological levels and can be presented subjectively due to the difference in interpretation in the socio-cultural environment and distorted comprehension of the «demon's» essence. The following methods have been used in the study, namely the comparative analysis of the notion «demonic», the environmental analysis of the socio-cultural context of Vrubel's «demonic», and the systemic analysis of Vrubel's own system of symbols.


Images of m. a. vrubel, «demonic» image, philosophy of integrity, symbol, synergy

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207359

IDR: 170207359   |   DOI: 10.31443/2541-8874-2024-3-31-57-67

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