L. Tolstoy's ethics through the literary anthropology vision of the story "Two hussars"

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The article analyzes the interaction between ethics and anthropology of Leo Tolstoy. In the story «Two Hussars», the essence of Good is connected to the concepts of «soul» and «heart», while «will», a very popular concept in late 1840s, is still not evaluated highly by the author. It means that the final step in the process of Tolstoy’s literary anthropology forming has occurred. Thus, the middle of 1850s is the period in the evolution of Tolstoy’s outlook when the main features of his personomics were worked out.

Total ethical vision, the literary anthropology structures, the virtual man's model, the acsyology system

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219010

IDR: 147219010

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