Philosophical and theological legacy of the priest Pavel Florensky and some issues of national history in modern research. Review of the scientific journal “Russian-byzantine herald”, 2023, no. 1 (12). 205 p

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The article is a review of the materials of the scientific journal “Russian-Byzantine Herald”, 2023, No. 1 (12). The issue is dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth and the 85th anniversary of the tragic death of an outstanding Russian thinker, Priest Pavel Florensky (1882-1937). The corpus of articles and of round table materials presented in this issue draws our attention to a wide range of questions related to the philosophical and theological legacy of Priest P. Florensky. His position in the ideological and social context of the era; his attitude towards “new religious consciousness”, on the one hand, and to Christian, but politically oriented movements, on the other; problems of creativity, the origin of philosophy, a kind of “political theology”, and many other questions of the intellectual and spiritual content of the P. Florensky's works became the subject of discussion in the reviewed publication. The second section of the issue contains studies on the problems of national history and culture. The coverage of the fate of Lithuanian-Russian history in the “provincial” mid-19th century journal; the image of Peter I in the reign of Nicholas I; the public position of St. Theophan the Recluse; the attitude of Russian monarchists to the deeds of Peter the Great; I. S. Aksakov and the Russian autocracy; early literary experiments of I. I. Fudel - such is the content of the historical section in the journal. In general, despite the controversial nature of some observations and conclusions, high level of the research presented in this issue should be noted, which significantly enriches scientific consciousness in the field of the above-mentioned problematics.


Russian-byzantine herald, christianity, russian religious philosophy, new religious consciousness, priest p. florensky, personalism, theism, creativity, ontologism, mystical experience, myth, monarchism, lithuanian principality, peter the great, nicholas i, st. theophan the recluse, i. s. aksakov, 1.1. fudel


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ID: 140301602   |   DOI: 10.47132/2541-9587_2023_3_295
