Final chord of the N. A. Polevoy`s drama

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Nikolay Alekseevich Polevoy - in many respects, thanks to journalism at the head of "the Moscow Telegraph" - quickly "became the favourite person of public, and if he was in war with the most part of writers, then he saw at the same time the passionate love to himself the younger generation expressed at any chance. Here for whom he worked and wanted to publish somewhat quicker the composition, to share new work with those whom always meant, at all the literary occupations" [1, р. 285]. "It relied on opinion of the majority in public: its right to express the opinions irrespective of persons consisted in it, in it there was also its power" [1, p. 166]. Also undoubted financial success of the journal enterprise of Polevoy`s brothers testified to it: "The first edition (700 copies seem) dispersed all to a release of the second book; from the third book "Moscow Telegraph" it was printed already among 1200 copies: success, long ago unprecedented in the journal world of that time!" [1, р. 165].


N.a.polevoy, history of literary activity in policy, dramaturgic reception, journalism in n.a.polevoy''s biography

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