Financing of higher education institutions for stimulation of innovative development: approaches and mechanisms

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The article belongs to research category and is devoted to the study of per capita financing peculiarities of higher education institutions in Russia. The aim of the research is to provide basis for the thesis that approach to university financing used nowadays dose not fully stimulate university innovative development and find relevant stimulating mechanisms. In order to improve efficacy of educational and research activities at the Russian universities it would be reasonable to implement corrective coefficient based approach that would reflect the quality of basic professional educational programs implementation as well as basic normative costs. We have analyzed the approach of Ministry for Education and Science to using these coefficients in relation to higher educational institutions with a right to establish educational standards for higher education professional education programs implementation. The article presents approach implementation results for the leading universities of Russia and Ural Federal Area. On the basis of analysis results we suggested changes in the method of corrective coefficient definition with the use of other methodological basis. Corrective coefficients considering educational activities quality should reflect educational system ability to create environment for active knowledge and skills generation by the trainees during the process of mastering "condensed" human experience as part of university course and new knowledge generation. Corrective coefficient considering research activities quality should reflect higher educational institution potential for creating advanced social and technological innovation and their practical implementation. Changes in the higher educational institutions financing model require universities providing target financing for creating educational innovation according to state demand and development of efficacy criteria formulation for the introduced innovations. A necessary prerequisite for innovative activities implementation is a legislative regulation of lecturers' workload in terms of ultimate in class workload level and norms for performing methodic, teaching, research and organizational work. The article is of interest for higher educational institutions management. Conducted analysis results and approaches suggested can be used in the process of higher educational institution strategy alteration.


Standard and per capita financing, leading higher education institutions, higher education institutions of ural federal district, the correcting coefficients

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IDR: 142140230

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