Fitness in Russia: problems and prospects federal and regional development

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Rehabilitation, restoration of physical and emotional health of citizens of Russia - an important social problem since there is nothing more significant, than harmonious development and functioning of the personality in society. Today so there are circumstances at all levels of pedagogical education that it is necessary to be the healthy person. In a huge complex of the cultural and sports competences formed at faculties of physical culture and sport the important place belongs to fitness and their formation through fitness therefore in improving and sports policy of all power structures the attention is paid not only to collective types of sports activity, but need to give to each person in need in rehabilitation the individual program of restoration of health. This problem is solved through fitness. This article examines the question of the specificity of the federal and regional development of fitness. Considered the most important trends and implications of this process. The features of the regional policy of fitness, material and technical base of the city and the sports infrastructure. The importance of human resources policy and training of future professionals in the fitness industry Syzran example. One of the most difficult is the personnel problem, especially for the Russian regions. In modern conditions importance of an orientation of professional education in the field of physical culture and sport on the sphere of fitness is obvious. However in the real system of secondary professional and higher education there aren't always courses and programs which are responsible for formation of competences of future experts capable to work in the sphere of fitness Conclusion: Effective development of fitness in Russia is connected, first of all, with the solution of problems of regional development, formation of reliable and complex system of training of future experts фит - bore - the industries, and also attraction of investments and financings. Achievement of similar conditions is impossible without combination of efforts of the federal and regional authority, the state and private businessmen, commercial and public organizations directing the activity to improvement of a physical state and health of the population.


Fitness, cultural and sports competence, athletic policies

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IDR: 148102350

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