Articles on individual authors. Рубрика в журнале - Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах

A chain of ingenious connections in Adam Thorpe's Ulverton
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This article explores the means of linking of consecutive chapters in Adam Thorpe's Ulverton to obtain the effect of continuous narrative. The connections are made through describing the same characters from different aspects.

Archetypal themes in Julian Barnes' A history of the world in 10 1/2 chapters
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The article explores the relationship between archetypes and their analysis in Julian Barnes' contemporary novel, a brilliant example of myth-making in contemporary British literature.

Art versus stunt: art as stunt in John Lanchester's Capital
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The paper concerns itself with the role of Contemporary Art and its creators in John Lanchester's Capital. The Contemporary Art sub-plot is quite important in the novel and plays, among others, a detective role which has been so far underrated by the critics.

Caryl Churchill's A number: multiple personalities in contemporary tragedy
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The article dwells on Caryl Churchill's view of human identity as reflected in the play A Number. The main plot features a number of the protagonist's clones becoming aware of their «copy» status. However, analysis of the piece reveals that the ethics of cloning is not the playwright's major focus. Churchill is rather concerned with the very mechanism of self-definition and the features making every individual unique in the epoch of copies and consumerism. The writer puts forward the idea that the difficulty of self-identification nowadays is probably caused by distorted interpersonal relations and the destruction of family ties.

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The article analyses chronotopic aspects of the concept "city" in the artistic wholeness of Perdido Street Station by C.T. Mieville.

Cinematic techniques in A snow garden by Rachel Joyce
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In the essay Rachel Joyce's short story cycle A Snow Garden is under analysis. The author shows that Rachel Joyce uses not only a range of cinematic techniques such as montage, close-ups, and flashbacks, but she also shares certain structural features with ensemble films.

David Edgar's Testing the echo - keyword poetics
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The article analyses the artistic technique of ‘keyword’ in David Edgar’s play Testing the Echo4 it show its greta role in the whole of the play.

Gregory Burke's Black watch as an Iraq war drama
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The essay presents Black Watch, a drama by the contemporary Scottish playwright Gregory Burke. It explores its major themes within the context of the Black Watch deployment to the Iraq War in 2004.

Hanif Kureishi's novels as the discourse of identity
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The novel Intimacy by Hanif Kureishi represents a break in the author's preoccupation with post-colonial themes. Kureishi explores the sense of identity of his hero in Intimacy in terms which bring him closer to the English traditions of literature of self-knowledge and of satirical reconstruction of a social milieu. This essay examines the psychological treatment of the hero's painful journey to self-understanding.

Harold Fry's pilgrimage to himself and to the world
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The article deals with the main character of the novel The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce and his attempts to rediscover his own self and to answer the question ‘Who am I?’ through his thoughts, memories and collaboration with the others.

Hilary Mantel's historical novels about Thomas Cromwell: traditions and innovations
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The article explores what traditions and novelties of the genre of historical novel Mantel develops in her very original narrative approach to history and character-making.

Images of the urban space in A week in December by Sebastian Faulks
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The article deals with the image of London in Sebastian Faulks' novel A Week in December. The key components of the urban space are analyzed, as well as characters' attitude to them.

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The article deals with the key plot parts of About a Boy (Nick Hornby) and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Mark Haddon) for the depiction of the protagonists'' initiation into adulthood.

John Lanchester's ''Capital'': rethinking city spaces and identities
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The article explores the novel Capital by John Lanchester from the space perspective. It shows how the characters in the novel reshape London and how London in turn reshapes their identities. It suggests a framework for the study of the novel from this perspective.

Legal and illegal immigrants in John Lanchester's Capital
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The article examines John Lanchester's attitude to immigrants in Capital through the behaviour of the main characters in challenging situations and their mutual sympathy or antipathy.

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The article considers love discourse in writing by Julian Barnes. It demonstrate that contemporary love discourse can be viewed as a multiple dialogue with the multiple Other. The Other is primarily represented by the actual reader, and sometimes, the fictional reader. The aim of the dialogue is the pursuit of meaning together with the reader, i.e. the pursuit of the truth, beauty, and harmony.

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The article deals with the key dichotomies and motives of A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters (Julian Barnes) represented via the concepts of history and religion.

Novel into play - Arthur & George by David Edgar
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The article examines the play Arthur & George by David Edgar based on the novel by Julian Barnes. The author explores several differences between the play and the novel as well as some features of the play.

On Hilary Mantel's novel An experiment in love: an argument
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There a discussion on the meaning and values of the novel, An Experiment in Love, by Hilary Mantel in two parts of the publication.

On seeming and being: the unreliable narrator in Elizabeth Ismissing by Emma Healey
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The article deals with the first-person unreliable narrator of Emma Healey's first novel, Elizabeth is Missing. Maud makes incredible efforts to investigate her friend's absence, and may have disclosed a seventy-year-old mystery.