Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах @footpath
Статьи журнала - Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах
Все статьи: 256

"Dear reader": on students' feedback
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The article provides an overview of student papers on three works by contemporary English writers.

"Politically correct" themes in nice work and white teeth
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The article examines the implementation of the phenomenon of political correctness, or rather politically correct topics, in the novels by Zadia Smith "White Teeth" and David Lodge "Good Job", shows the dual representation by the authors of the main components of political correctness of issues in the works of modern British literature.

"Любовный треугольник" в романе Дж. Коу "Какое надувательство!"
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Автор эссе пытается пробиться сквозь сложные отношения между автором, рассказчиком и героем книги Джонатана Сое «Какое деление!» Это оказывается необнаружимым.

A London chronotope and multiculturalism in White teeth by Zadie Smith
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The paper treats the use of a special multicultural chronotope in the novel White Teeth by Zadie Smith, with which the author reveals more deeply the current socio-cultural state of London at the turn of the century.

A chain of ingenious connections in Adam Thorpe's Ulverton
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This article explores the means of linking of consecutive chapters in Adam Thorpe's Ulverton to obtain the effect of continuous narrative. The connections are made through describing the same characters from different aspects.

A child narrator in Emma Donoghue's Room
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The article analyses Room by Emma Donoghue to distinguish literary and linguistic characteristics of a child narrator.

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In this debate we are printing a shortened version of Sergey Saveliev’s letter from Footpath-11 followed by three new responses to it.

A debate on the review of The noise of time
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The paper is a response to the review on the novel The Noise of the Time by Julian Barnes by I.Popova, published in the Footpath, issue 11.

A review of Written on the heart by David Edgar
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A review of the play Written on the Heart by David Edgar about the translation of the Bible into English which is known as the King James or Authorised Version.

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The article, discusses some issues connected with Adam Thorpe’s creative work, and presents a literary and language analysis of his story ‘Karaoke’.

Age, memory and unreliable narrators
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The present article is an attempt to explore how such concepts as age and memory are portrayed in a range of contemporary British novels, with special emphasis being made on the books from the ORF project.

An analysis of 'Anthem for doomed youth' by Wilfred Owen
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A detailed analysis of Wilfred Owen's poem 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'. The article is a lucid example of the British approach to reading and analyzing poetry.

An approach to teaching modern British literature
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The article tells about the experience of teaching English in home reading classes (using the example of Barnes's books "History of the World in Ten and a Half Chapters" and "Modern English Stories")

An exercise in approaching fictional characters through drawing
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The article examines the use of fine arts as a tool in literary discussion. The author shares her experience of organizing students' final discussion of the novel Morality Play by Barry Unsworth focusing on character analysis.

An experience of teaching two short stories from A snow garden by Rachel Joyce
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The article gives an account of teaching two stories from Rachel Joyce’s short story collection A Snow Garden. The author examines some topics for discussion, techniques of working with the text and its vocabulary.

An experiment in love: an argument continued
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The paper continues an argument about the meaning and artistic value of Hilary Mantel’s novel An Experiment in Love begun in Footpath-10.

An experiment on hearts and minds: how to enjoy an experiment in love
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The article presents the experience of working on the novel Love Experiment by H. Mantel with fourth-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages; analyzes the features of the subject matter of the work and the specificity of the author's language, which manifests itself in the brevity and capacity of each phrase, due to the concentration of meaning in one or two words; describes the ways of interpreting the author's ideological principles and cultural characteristics of the historical period.