Formation features of the central layers of the alloy Fe - 3 % Si (110)[HKL] rolling textures

Автор: Mishnev S.V., Shakhov V.N., Gotovko S.A., Padar V.A., Dementeva I.S.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Технологические процессы и материалы

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.20, 2019 года.

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The fields of solid-state physics, metallurgy, plastic deformation, mathematics and continuum mechanics are engaged in the studies of texturing of metals and alloys and their influence on the operational properties of products. As a rule, the most significant results are expected at the interface between these sciences. The technologies of obtaining textured materials by metal forming processes occupy a special place in the metalworking sphere. This is due to promising directions in technologies for producing semi-finished and final products with improved structure-sensitive properties, by regulating the texturing, taking into account initial crystallographic orientation of the workpiece. The first issue to note is the formation of an ideal, one-component crystallographic texture in anisotropic metallic materials. The second issue is to obtain semi-finished and final products with more specific service properties: crystallographic texture with specific predetermined components. For instance, due to the crystallographic texture, it is possible to increase the resistance of metals and alloys against corrosion and hostile environment. Considering textured materials as composite, we must note that directionally oriented crystallites with crystallographic direc- tions relative to the laboratory direction perform as reinforced elements. The initial texture in the processing plane is especially important. The materials, which possess unique structure-sensitive properties acquired through pressure treatment, are very promising for a widespread use in the sphere of aerospace technology. Obviously, the properties and means of their achievement are diverse and require setting a specific task. Therefore, further research in this sphere is especially promising. The article presents the research findings, considering the effect of initial crystallographic orientation and deformation modes on the rolling texture in the central layer of Fe - 3% Si (110)[ hkl ] single crystals. Several groups of single crystal samples underwent rolling under laboratory conditions. The groups of samples were classified according to the final deformation rate, the ideal crystallographic orientation of the rolling plane and deflections of the ideal orientation plane direction from the rolling direction. The methodology of the experiment took into account the compression rate value during one rolling. We analyzed the results of rolling, using the radiographic method. The next step was to superimpose the radiographic data on a stereographic projection and to construct straight pole figures. The results of straight pole figures decoding revealed differences in the texture formation from the previously obtained data. The research shows the manifestation of the one-component deformation texture in the central layer.


Deformation of single crystals, crystallographic texture, standard crystallographic projection, pole figures, deformation texture

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148321932   |   DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2019-20-3-390-397

Список литературы Formation features of the central layers of the alloy Fe - 3 % Si (110)[HKL] rolling textures

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