Formation of valuable orientations of experts of welfare sphere

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In article the thesis that a necessary condition of preparation of the expert in welfare sphere is formation of valuable orientations, common cultural knowledge, skills and constant requirement for development of actual culture is proved. Considering in a general view development of the person as process and result of occurrence of the person in the new welfare environment, the author allocates three phases of its formation: adaptation as mastering ofoperating values and norms, mastering by corresponding means and activity forms; the individualization generated by becoming aggravated contradictions between necessity «to be such, as all» and aspiration of the individual to the maximum personification; the integration defined by the contradiction between aspiration of the individual to be ideal, presented by the features and differences in a society and requirement of a society to accept those its features which promote its perfection and by that to development.


Valuable orientations, the expert of welfare sphere, development of the person, vocational training, welfare activity

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IDR: 14489646

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