Formation of artistic and creative abilities of a person in the process of project activity from the perspective of pedagogical synergetics

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The article substantiates the cognitive resources of the synergetic approach in the development of open nonlinear systems, analyzes the features of the formation of artistic and creative abilities of a person in the process of project activity from the perspective of pedagogical synergetics, including openness and dialogic, emotional, aesthetic and energetic components, freedom of choice, the presence of creative intuition, the integrity of the creative potential of the individual. It is revealed that the synergetic approach has significant humanistic potential, actualizes the solution of problems of creative cognition of the individual.


Synergetic approach, aesthetic perception, project activity, artistic and creative abilities, openness, dialogic

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170206985   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-3-93-96

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