Formation of the personality of the future doctor on the example of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's life

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Currently, the actual problem is not a full understanding of the doctor's own responsibility in his work. Many representatives of this profession believe that only physical treatment is enough, sometimes without paying attention to the manner of communication with a patient. While one of the fundamental aspects of treatment is a psychological contact and the establishment of trusting relationships between a patient and a doctor. In this article the life path of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - a writer, a doctor and a man who was loyal to his convictions - is indicated. The biography is complex, confusing, sometimes tragic and exciting, which makes it more fascinating, and constantly trains Chekhov’s soul. A soul faithful and adhering to its own thoughts, strong and, that’s the most important, sensitive and empathetic. The problem of forming the future doctor's personality is an actual research purpose. The target is a studying of the biography. of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and an in-depth analysis of his works devoted to medicine. To show the true rules of deontology and medical ethics in the life of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. To educate the high moral standards of practicing doctors who will help them all their work. To Awaken the desire for constant self-development. According to the conducted study of the personal path of Anton Chekhov, we can say that the doctor’s personality is the strength of the spirit. A person can not become a great doctor, who will have grateful patients, if he is not engage in constant self-development, personal growth and tireless training of his brain and soul. The doctor is a friend, after all. Based on the work done by Anton Pavlovich (both literary and medical), we can conclude that the person lived his life not in vain. He has helped many people. He healed the ischaemic heart disease for one and healed mental trauma for another one. And all of these Chekhov did because he despised weakness and lethargy of mental movements. Helping a man is not a duty, but a matter of conscience and honor, especially to the person in need.


Doctor, chekhov, help, morals, knowledge, patients, medicine, self-development

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IDR: 170190580   |   DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2019-10863

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