Forming of morphological norms in the classroom of the academic discipline «Russian language in business documentation. Culture of speech»

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Language learning is a factor contributing to the forming of linguistic, communicative and linguistic competencies that play an important role in the professional activities of law enforcement officers. The article highlights an acute issue related to the forming of grammatical (morphological) norms of students in the classroom on the academic discipline «Russian language in business documentation. Culture of speech». Exercises aimed at identifying, preventing and eliminating typical grammatical errors in the use of certain morphological means of language in business speech are proposed.

Morphological norms, grammatical errors, communicative qualities of speech, correctness, accuracy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205428   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-2-53-56

Статья научная