Forming moral self-conscience among youth in the context of multicultural educational space

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The deformation of cultural space and the specificity of present-day informational environment make us turn once again to the problem of moral development of young generations. The authors of the article examine the main causes of spirituality crisis among youth, escalation of ethnic and religious tension and growth of nationalistic beliefs of the territory of former CIS. Special attention is paid to the measures of counteracting these destructive phenomena of objective reality by means of forming competent youth policy in accordance with the existing concept of multicultural educational space. The concept of multicultural educational space is becoming especially topical and aids fuller understanding of the existing theory of multipolar world, which, in its turn, leads to a more sensible and rational policy in the sphere of forming moral guidelines among youth.


Moral self-conscience, multicultural educational space, cultural assimilation, nationalism, tolerance, intolerance, pedagogic traditions

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IDR: 14489809

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