Formation of patriotism by means of local history

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Тhe political changes of recent years have actualized the problem of patriotic education of the younger generation, in the article the author points out the need for constant attention on the part of all social institutions to the issue of education of patriotism. Special attention is paid to regional studies as a means of upbringing. The notion of patriotism discussed in the contemporary studies ia analyzed. The notions «educational work», «civil-patriotic education», «patriotism», «local lore», «social partners» are specified. The main directions of cooperation between the school and the institutions of science and culture are singled out. The need to use a variety of forms and methods of excursion and tourism and local history work with children and adolescents is pointed out. The system of values of the national idea «Eternal country-МәңгілікЕл» is presented. The features of local history activities in school, the conditions for successful local history work in after-hour activities, the role of the library in the upbringing of the younger generation, as well as the importance of professional support of research activity are singled out


Patriotism, local history, educational work, social partners, younger generation

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IDR: 142228927   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2018-10-2-133-139

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