Formation of professionally oriented patriotism of students of the defense specialties

Бесплатный доступ

The subject of the article: the rationale for the relevance of formation of the professionally oriented patriotism of students of the defense specialties. The object of the article: the process of formation of professionally oriented patriotism of future specialists of the defense industry. Objective: to improve the system of professional training of future specialists of the defense industry. Results of work: the result of the analysis of researches in the field of formation of patriotism allowed to consider professionally oriented patriotism as a kind of patriotism necessary for future specialists of the defense industry for the responsible performance of their professional duties. The urgency of formation of professionally oriented patriotism of future specialists of the defense industry in the process of their professional training, due to the specificity and feature of their professional activities. The structure and essence of professionally oriented patriotism, which is an integrative property of the individual, including three components: cognitive, emotional-value and motivational-activity, are determined. The pedagogical system of formation of professionally oriented patriotism of students is designed. The application of the developed system in the University educational process has led to an increase in the average level of formation of all components of professionally oriented patriotism of students, compared with the traditional system of Patriotic education, which indicates its effectiveness. Field of application of the results: on the basis of the results developed specific guidelines for the organization of educational work of future specialists of the defense industry, on the basis of which was built the educational process at the faculty of engineering IzhSTU named after M. T. Kalashnikov and a number of other universities, leading training for the defense industry. Conclusion: Checking the statistical significance of the differences and correlation analysis of empirical data revealed the relationship between the components in the structure of professionally oriented patriotism and confirm the effectiveness of the developed system of its formation.


Patriotism, professionally oriented patriotism, patriotic culture, defense industry specialist, professional activity of defense industry specialist

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IDR: 148314314

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