Competitive competence structure in judo

Автор: Koptev O.V.

Журнал: Человек. Спорт. Медицина @hsm-susu

Рубрика: Спортивная тренировка

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.18, 2018 года.

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Aim. The aim of this article is to improve a long-term preparation system of judokas. Materials and methods. To study the problem of a gradual formation of the competitive competence in wrestlers, we decided to conduct the experiment with the participation of the athletes of different age groups: I (11-12) - 726, II (13-14) - 553, III (15-17) - 637, IV (male group) - 557. The competitive competence of wrestlers was evaluated during competitions of different levels. Results. The results obtained allowed us to propose an innovative way for constructing a model of “ideal wrestler”, which contains 16 individual competencies developed on the basis of the official rules of judo competitions. The sum of individual competencies we identified as a “competitive competence”. Conclusion. We also conducted a stepwise comparison of individual competencies between the age groups (group I with II, II with III, III with IV), which proved their informativeness in assessing competitive activity.


Competence, competition, judo, model, perfect athlete

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147153405   |   DOI: 10.14529/hsm180204

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