Formation of personality transitivity as a target constant of education in the information society

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The transitivity of the surrounding world, expressed in constant variability and uncertainty, sets the need for the formation and development of the personality's ability to transitivity. A person with this ability will be ready, in the face of a stressful situation of obsolescence of existing life strategies and skills, to rethink the existing experience and successfully reintegrate into social realities. At the same time, it is impossible to underestimate the role of the education system in the formation of such a personality. The complex and contradictory nature of social processes in a transitive society also affects the educational system, which also undergoes structural and substantive transformations. On the one hand, in such a situation, the fundamental task that must be solved for the successful restructuring of the entire education system was to determine the content and scope of those basic knowledge, the presence of which will make it possible to comprehend and master all those new phenomena that appear in the information society. On the other hand, the conceptual basis for reformatting the educational system is the recognition that the teacher as the subject of this system ceases to fully fulfill the role of the only translator of knowledge, and the student must be prepared for the constant meaningful replenishment of knowledge and renewal of competencies. In this study, the authors, based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical, socio-economic literature, as well as empirical observation of the processes taking place in higher technical education in Russia, propose for an adequate response of the pedagogical community to the challenges of the time not only to change the content of the disciplines of the socio-humanitarian block, but also to complement the set of personal qualities of the teachers.


Information society, digital technologies, personality transitivity, transitivity in education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328953   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-96-56-61

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