Formation of creative connections between folklore and written literature (article 1)

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The article examines the creative relationships between folklore and literary creativity of the Kyrgyz people. In turn, it is noted that this is a multifaceted and complex issue, and thanks to the influence of folklore on written literature, the first creative connections between them were realized. It is also noted that in the process of creating and preserving centuries-old traditions of oral and written literature, the Kyrgyz people are among the peoples who have managed to create creative ties with relatives and other peoples of the world. For example, as the experience of common Turkic handwritten literature of the Middle Ages shows, folk-epic traditions were preserved in the runic texts of these peoples, and in turn, the influence of handwritten poets on the work of improvising poets cannot be ruled out. As a result, when considering the connections between folklore and written literature of the Kyrgyz people, the methodological principles of comparative literature, literary source studies, textual criticism and other additional subjects were used.


Folklore, runic texts, handwritten literature, literature, literary connections, literary criticism, literary sources, textual criticism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203342   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-235-240

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