Formation of younger teenagers "image of me" in the process of extracurricular activities

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The most urgent problem of different Sciences of human personality is the study of the Genesis of consciousness and self-consciousness. A large number of psychological and pedagogical studies of different times devoted to the analysis of such a part of self-consciousness as the "image of me". The study of the phenomenon of "image of me" in different periods engaged in a lot of scientists belonging to different, sometimes contradictory, directions of scientific thought. The question of the content of the "image of me", the features of its formation in different age periods, the use of means of fixed and extracurricular activities in the process of formation remains debatable at the present time. The article reveals some aspects of the formation of a positive "image of me" in younger adolescents in the process of extracurricular activities. The features of the "image of me" in younger adolescents, the principles and directions of the organization of extracurricular activities in accordance with the FGOS ООО are considered. The results of the experimental study are presented.


"image of me", self-knowledge, self-realization, younger adolescence, extracurricular activities

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IDR: 170185662   |   DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2019-11683

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