Phraseologisms in the language of law as a means of forming common professional competencies for future lawyers

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The relevance of the study is determined by the insufficient study of the role of phraseological units in the language of law, as well as their capabilities in the formation of communicative and common professional competencies in future lawyers. The article analyzes the features of the functioning of phraseological units, in particular, phraseological prepositions and conjunctions, in the official legal discourse as the most important component of the professional activity of a lawyer. The practical aspects of students’ study of phraseological units used in legal texts focused on the formation of common professional competencies are presented. The novelty and significance of the obtained result lies in the substantiation of the necessity and expediency of referring to phraseological units in the language of law in the formation of common professional competencies of future lawyers.


Phraseology, phraseological prepositions and conjunctions, general professional and communicative competence, future lawyers, language of law, lexical exercises

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142228280

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