From prevention to emotional well-being: a study of innovative methods and programs in the field of psychiatry to maintain mental health

Автор: Androsova P.M., Gragyants B.R., Khmelevskaya T.N., Meshcherina M.I., Lepikhina U.A.

Журнал: Cardiometry @cardiometry

Рубрика: Original research

Статья в выпуске: 30, 2024 года.

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The article discusses innovative approaches and methods used in modern psychiatry to maintain the mental well-being of patients. The authors consider current approaches to the pre-vention of mental disorders and improvement of emotional well-being. The analysis of innovative methods and programs used in psychiatry for the prevention and maintenance of men-tal health is carried out. The effectiveness of these methods is considered based on the results of recent research as well as promising approaches to improving emotional state. The arti-cle focuses on the effectiveness of innovative approaches and evaluates progress in psychiatry and psychotherapy. As a result of the analysis of modern research the authors iden-tify key trends in use of technologies, software methods and therapeutic approaches to maintain mental health.


Psychiatry, prevention, emotional well-being, innovative, mental health, digital

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328273   |   DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.30.8084

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