Cardiometry is indexed by the following abstracting and indexing services: Web of Science, ESCI, VAK RF, DOAJ, EBSCO, Google Scholar.
The initiative group, decided to issue a journal, has over 40 years of experience in biophysical research. With great experience of research from mere suggestion to application of the results in mainstream production, and scientific literature publishing experience, we paid attention to the system contradictions existing in cardiology. Firstly to those ones which significantly hinder progress in cardiology. For example, a clear understanding of the principles of functional cooperation of different parts of cardiovascular system still does not exist in the conventional cardiology. It is due to the lack of theoretical models describing the processes of hemodynamics. Hemodynamic parameters are described in the most archaic way and can not be used in general practice. Standards for diagnosis in electrocardiology are based only on the past experience and show significant contradictions. The term "evidence-based medicine", and namely, its foundation does not stand up to criticism. The system of education in medical universities contributes to such a state of things. Study of the principles of scientific research is not included in medical curriculum, and therefore physicians are not able to identify the cause-and-effect relations of pathology and analyze the effectiveness of therapy in their practice.
Difference of approaches to the theories between physicians and engineers of medical equipment significantly affects the development of cardiology. It results that no measurement criteria and basic metrology in cardiology are available. The existing journals in cardiology are very narrowly focused. It does not promote the proper understanding of the issues by the cardiologists in their fields, and especially their perception of new developments in related fields. The nomenclature of the European cardiology journals, as well as the U.S. ones, is very diverse. Despite all this, they often publish articles of the same type, making it difficult to identify anything of the innovative sort in cardiology. But none of the existing journals deals with measurements in cardiology and especially metrology.
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Features of the course of cardiovascular diseases against the background of COVID-19
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Based on the analysis of 308 electronic medical records of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19, the features of the course of cardiovascular diseases at the regional level were studied. It was found that in patients with cardiovascular diseases, the severity of the course and mortality are higher than in patients without cardiac pathology.

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The aim is to study the features of life and the incidence rate of anxiety and depressive disorders among medical faculty students studying remotely during the epidemic of a new coronavirus infection (Covid 19) at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov. Materials and methods. We examined 335 students (34% males, 66% females) at the Faculty of Medicine in November-December 2020. The average age of the students examined was 20.3±2.3 years. The study included an anonymous mail survey to examine educational conditions, lifestyle, levels of anxiety and depression. Results. 43.8% of the students had insufficient sleep duration, 58.5% had low physical activity, in 24.8% of them we recorded high levels of situational anxiety and in 82.1% of them personal anxiety, in 7.1% of the students we recorded clinically expressed anxiety and 1.8% had clinically expressed depression. During the transition to remote learning, students increased the time use to prepare for classes (51.2%) and the duration of sleep (61.5%), while their physical activity decreased (76.5%). Statistically significant linear correlations were identified between the level of anxiety and depression and the duration of sleep, low physical activity, preparation time for classes, academic performance, and academic debt. Conclusions. The results obtained by us can be used to optimize the educational process, as well as to preserve the mental health of students during the transition to distance learning.

Development of modern technology for obtaining tinctures with sedative effect
Статья научная
The aim of this work was to experimentally select the optimal conditions for obtaining a tincture with an effective sedative effect consisting of a mixture of common motherwort grass, medicinal lemon balm and nettle leaves in a ratio of (1:1:1) and the development of quality criteria for the finished product. The influence of the concentration of the extractant, the ratio of raw materials to extractant, the multiplicity of extraction and the mode of infusion with the use of auxiliary technologies (ultrasound treatment) on the yield of biologically active substances from the raw materials was studied. It has been established that the most acceptable way to obtain this tincture is maceration using ultrasound. This method allows us to obtain a tincture with a high yield of flavonoids with the minimum time used.

The state of the cardiovascular system in women during pregnancy
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The work is devoted to the study of the impact of pregnancy on the state of the cardiovascular system in women. The process of pregnancy is accompanied by significant changes in the rhythm of the heart performance and blood pressure, and the duration of the ECG waves and segments are not significantly fluctuated. The heart rhythm, gradually increasing, reaches its maximum value of 87.3 beats per minute (P

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The aim is to study the incidence rate of anxiety and depressive disorders and their relationship with the everyday activity at the H.M. Berbekov Kabardino-Balkarian State University (KBSU) medical faculty students a year after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a part of a cross-sectional observational study, a survey of 425 students at the Faculty of Medicine was conducted. The average age of the surveyed students was 20.9±2.1 years. The Spielberger-Khanin questionnaire, the HADS anxiety and depression scale, as well as a questionnaire specially developed by the authors to clarify some indicators of students’ activity were used. Results. The prevalence of high levels of situational anxiety (SA) was 1.4%, personal anxiety (PA) 30.8%, anxiety 29%, depression 21.6%. High levels of SA were statistically significantly more common among students with higher education (p = 0.0417), living in rented apartments (p = 0.0136), countryside residents (p = 0.0005), with debts (p = 0.0122 ); high levels of PA were identified among students who assessed their living conditions as satisfactory (p=0.0001). Clinically pronounced depression was statistically significantly more common among students with higher education (p=0.0258), who assess their living conditions as good (p=0.028), have debts (p=0.0001), employed (p=0.0001) and practiced low physical activity (p=0.0001). Associative relationships were detected between the levels of SA, PA, anxiety, depression and students’ activity parameters included in the study. Conclusion. The results obtained can be used to improve the academic process and preserve the mental health of the KBSU medical faculty students.

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Autotransplantation of a free flap of the gracilis muscle is currently actively used in reconstructive surgery for persistent prosoplegia, injuries of the brachial plexus, for plastic closure of defects in the upper lip, and in the treatment of pelvic sepsis. This study provides important information about the anatomical features of the gracilis muscle and its neurovascular bundle, which are highly variable. The study of the anatomical and topographic features of this fine thigh muscle was carried out on a sectional study of 25 corpses of both sexes, 50 lower limbs. The present study demonstrates that the median value of the total length of m. Gracilis, the length of its muscular part, as well as the length of the tendon were 452.25 (439.7; 462.0); 225.3(208.1;239.0); 230.5 (213.0; 244.4) mm, respectively. The number of vascular pedicles included in m. Gracilis, ranged from 1 to 5. In 86% of the cases, the deep femoral artery formed the dominant vascular pedicle, and in 14% of cases, it was the medial circumflex artery. Small secondary vascular pedicles originated from the descending genicular artery or the anterior branch of the obturator arter: from the basin of the internal iliac artery. The length of the main feeding artery varied from 76 to 134 mm, the median value was 100.5(90;110) mm, and its diameter ranged from 1.4 to 2.1 mm (M = 1.9(1.8;2, 0) mm. The innervation of the fine muscle of the thigh was carried out by the anterior branch of the obturator nerve, which in 82% of the cases was represented by a single trunk; less often a loose type of structure was observed. The proper nerve was located at a distance of 108.5 (96; 117) mm from the origin of the muscle; its diameter was 2.1 (1.9; 2.2) mm. Knowledge of the topographic and anatomical relationships of the neurovascular bundle with the surrounding formations, variants of its individual anatomical variability are the key to successful reconstructive surgery.