Functional definity of 40-year processes forming 72-year cycle of historical development: fractal-cluster approach

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Prediction of scientific, technical and social development requires understanding the structure of the processes being analyzed. The object of the study is 72-year historical cycles. Within the framework of the ontological approach, the 72-year cycle is represented as a set of five processes, each of which lasts 40 years, with the beginning and completion of each subsequent process occurring in each case after 8 years. The subject of the study is the functional certainty of the five distinguished 40-year processes. The hypothesis is formed on the basis of the functional certainty of the elements of the fractal-cluster model: information, technological, environmental, transport, energy. Based on these clusters, ideological, technological, and ethical 40-year processes, a 40-year process of space expansion, and a 40-year energy process are distinguished, respectively. The author analyzes the initial and final eight years of the corresponding 40-year processes. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that in each case there is a direct connection between the events that mark the beginning and end of the corresponding 40-year process. The analysis is carried out on materials of the Soviet period of national history.


Historical cycles, ontological modeling, fractal-cluster approach, 72-year cycle, 40-year cycle

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IDR: 148328584   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-94-71-78

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