Hematological parameters and productivity of laying hens under the influence of the drug "Yantovet"
Автор: Gracheva O.A., Mukhutdinova D.M., Amirov D.R.
Статья в выпуске: 1 т.233, 2018 года.
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The purpose of present research is aimed to study the features of clinical, physiological, hematological, and biochemical data of the chickens by adding the drug containing succinic acid and organic compound of phosphorus into the water. The use of the drug "Yantovet" in laying chickens during the period of 60 days at the rate of 0, 5 ml /gal per day has a stimulating effect on haematopoiesis. Thus, the content of hemoglobin, erythrocytes in the experimental group by the end of the experiment was higher compared to the controlled group by 5 and 25% respectively. Under the action of the drug some of the biochemical parameters were corrected: glucose level in experimental group was significantly higher than in the controlled group by 11.4%, total protein -by 22.2%. Under the use of drag curtain changes of uric acid were noted, which were reflected by a decrease in its level to background value by 31.6 %, and in controlled group - 40.9%, which makes it promising for prevention of uric acid diathesis. Live weight at the end of the experiment in the experimental group were significantly higher than in controlled at 16 g.
Succinic acid, phosphorus, blood, metabolism, hickens
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142213016
IDR: 142213016