Generalization of vapor bubble size during unsteady boiling with the use of two stage optimization method

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This study aims to apply a novel technique devised by the authors to process the results of thermal physics experiments. The paper describes a two-stage technique for identifying coefficients of mathematical models from observed experimental data. The technique is based on the maximum likelihood method and is informed by the errors of all sensors used to obtain parameter measurements. Stage 1 of the technique minimizes the maximum relative error over all measured parameters, which allows gross measurement errors to be identified in qualitative terms and reduces the maximum relative error down to acceptable values. At Stage 2, we propose to use the method of weighted least absolute values to minimize the sum of absolute values of relative errors of all measured parameters. The technique was applied to process the results of thermal physics experiments aimed at generalizing the size of vapor bubbles of various types during unsteady heating of a vertical steel cylindrical heater surrounded by an upward flow of water subcooled to the saturation temperature. The numerical simulations reported in this study attest to the high quality of the proposed two-stage technique for identifying coefficients of mathematical models. The study also presents a comparative analysis of the results obtained by the classical least squares method and the novel two-stage technique.


Thermal physics experiments, coefficient identification, mathematical model, maximum likelihood criterion, weighted least absolute values method, least squares method

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IDR: 147245967   |   DOI: 10.14529/mmp240301

Список литературы Generalization of vapor bubble size during unsteady boiling with the use of two stage optimization method

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