Genesis of philological competences: Samara scientific and methodical school

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On April 9, 2019, the faculty of psychology and special education of Samara state social and pedagogical University hosted the all-Russian correspondence scientific and practical conference with international participation "the Word Russian in education and upbringing", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kuznetsova, Professor, doctor of pedagogical Sciences. She Russians at the origins of the national Department of the faculty, head of the Department of Russian language learning in the national school (PRANSH), and since 1992, this Department, in connection with the termination of the agreement on the training of teachers of Russian language and literature for Tajikistan, began to prepare teachers of literature for national schools of Samara and Samara region. Later Lyudmila Mikhailovna moved to work at the faculty of defectology, head of the Department of Russian language, literature and methods of teaching. She was ladala a wonderful ability to change, to adjust, to learn new things, not afraid of change. New team, new, in many ways, scientific and methodical direction: instead of teachers-philologists - teachers speech pathologists. Professor headed (after R.I. Tikhonova) and the Department, and direction, training of graduate students; it organizes seminars, conferences, collects collections on new topics... Very businesslike, fast and in thought and in business: our common teacher, a well-known linguist A.A. Dementiev used to say about Lyudmila Mikhailovna: "I just think, and Mila has already done!".


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