Geometric patterns of the palace of termez rulers

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Archaeological expedition of Moscow Museum of Oriental Cultures, which worked in the 1930s at the site of Old Termez, excavated the ruins of a building identified as the Palace of Termez rulers. The interior of this building was decorated with stucco slabs contained various geometric patterns, together giving a rich collection of geometric design of the pre-Mongol era. This article classifies and analyzes the entire set of these patterns, numbering about three dozen. They are compared with geometric patterns of the same era on other architectural monuments of Khorasan.

Architectural ornament, islamic geometric patterns, girih

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IDR: 147245805   |   DOI: 10.25205/1995-4328-2024-18-2-1083-1104

Список литературы Geometric patterns of the palace of termez rulers

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