Global symbols in the décor of the northern distaffs

Автор: Zemtsova I.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Socio-cultural landscape

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2011 года.

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Considering constructive construction and decorative design of traditional northern distaffs, we can note reflection practically all most meaningful world symbols which to some extent are presented in ornaments and show universal concepts about structure of the world. The design of northern distaffs consists of the basis («lopast»), a leg («nozjka») and sitting or («dontce»), it represents three-parts dividing the world: the high, middle and low worlds. On the one hand the splendid and varied decor of distaffs allows to consider evolution of technological process (carving- painting), on the other hand we have a possibility to retrace development of graphic motives.


Culture of people of the North, folk art world symbols, painting and carving on wood, North distaffs

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IDR: 148320482

Список литературы Global symbols in the décor of the northern distaffs

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