Urban and rural groups of indigenous people of Altai: ethnodemographic processes at the beginning of XXI century

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Purpose. The author characterizes the ethnodemographic processes in urban and rural groups of indigenous people of Altai according to the materials of the All-Russian population census of 2002 and 2010. Results. We identified the main trend as the growth in number of indigenous people of Altai, first of all, of the Chelkans, Telengits and Tubalars, mainly due to the change of their ethnic identity. However, they are likely to face the processes that other indigenous people have already experienced. For instance, the Kumandins reached a high urban saturation in 2002, but by 2010 the number of Kumandins among urban population decreased as a result of assimilation. Similarly, in 20-30 years the Telengits, Tubalars and Chelkans might begin to assimilate, too. The Altaians, on the other hand, show a certain demographic stability, which we refer to them being numerous. Conclusion. Our analysis of the statistical data available has allowed us to characterize the ethnodemographic development of indigenous people of Altai more precisely. The trend connected with the Chelkans, Telengits and Tubalars demonstrates that the processes among rural and urban population have been developing in the same way that other, more numerous groups, have already demonstrated. In addition, we observe a certain increase in ethnic identity changing on a massive scale. We can also predict potential areas of concern, as the peoples studied are going to have problems characteristic of the Kumandins now. However, these problems might be not so critical due to the Chelkans, Telengits and Tubalars living in Gorno-Altaisk, with its not so various ethnic environment. As for the Kumandins, most of the urbanized Kumandins live in Biysk, where they settle in different parts of the city and quickly assimilate with the other groups of the population. Our analysis shows that the Kumandins reached a high urban saturation in 2002, but by 2010 the number of Kumandins registered in the city decreased. We refer it to the processes of intensive assimilation and acculturation against the background of loose family ties and decreasing communications with the neighbors of their ethnic group. The Altaians, though, can be considered as a unique group as their demographic situation is characterized by stability. The quantity of the Altaians compensates the demographic losses as a result of their change of ethnic identity in favor of indigenous ethnic groups of Altai. In general, the low urban saturation rates will probably increase for the Telengits and Tubalars, while for the Altaians, Kumandins and Chelkans the average rate will be stable.


Indigenous peoples of altay, number, urbanization, assimilation, population census

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IDR: 147219742

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