Readiness of future graduates of a medical university for professional activities

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Objective: to analyze the level of readiness and expectations of future medical specialists regarding their future professional activities. Material and methods. A questionnaire survey of 383 senior medical students was conducted, which focused on studying the readiness of respondents to practical work in the chosen specialty, as well as key motivational factors that contribute to the "consolidation" of young doctors in practical healthcare and detailing the parameters of their professional formation as part of independent practical activities. Results. The majority of respondents highly rate their level of professional training and plan to work in the chosen specialty (85.2%). The triad of factors of attractiveness of the medical profession, according to students of the medical university: interest in medicine and the chosen specialty (61.0%), high wages (41.4%), the desire to help people (36.8%). At the same time, 59.5% of students assess the level of competitiveness in the labor market at 4-5 points (on a 5-point scale). Conclusion. With a high level of training in the specialty, most graduates of a medical university have quite objective ideas about the requirements for medical professionals by employers, strive to gain experience in labor activity in the chosen specialty and realize the need to replenish their professional baggage with additional competencies not only in the chosen specialty, but also in related (including non-medical) areas of expertise considered to be additional competitive advantages in the industry labor market.


Graduates of medical university, readiness for professional activity, young medical specialists

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IDR: 149142945

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