Readiness of pedagogical teachers college to formation activities students in an inclusive culture

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At the present stage of development of the national education system, the problem of creating an inclusive culture among students - future teachers of secondary schools and preschool educational organizations - is relevant. The article discusses various approaches to defining the essence and content of the concept of “inclusive culture”, and substantiates the need for the formation of an inclusive culture among students of a pedagogical college. The study of scientific literature and our own experience in college convince us that the problem of creating an inclusive culture among students is not given due attention. Despite understanding the importance of a high level of inclusive culture of a teacher, the theoretical aspects of the problem have not been fully developed; the psychological and professional readiness of teachers to operate in an inclusive educational environment of a college remains insufficient. The purpose of the article is to study the readiness of college teachers to develop an inclusive culture among students, determine their attitude and degree of awareness in the field of inclusive education. Analysis of the survey results showed that the majority of teachers have a positive attitude towards the problem of developing an inclusive culture among students, have an understanding of the features of inclusive education, are ready to take part in various forms of improving their qualifications within the framework of this problem, and discuss its current aspects. Assessing the attitude of teachers towards the formation of an inclusive culture among college students allows not only to clearly define their pedagogical position, but also to identify the most effective ways of organizing the educational process, to propose conditions for the development of the educational environment in accordance with the requirements for training a modern teacher ready to work with children with disabilities and limited health options.


Inclusive education, inclusive culture, formation of an inclusive culture, teachers' readiness for inclusive activities

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240210

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