Graphic design in Krasnoyark: history of professional school formation

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The article presents a study of the historical way of shaping the educational process in the field of graphic design in Krasnoyarsk since the late 1970s. The author has analyzed historical data and events in detail identifying the key stages in the development of this sphere of education and their significance in the formation of modern educational environment. On the basis of the analysis the interaction of the artistic and socio-cultural environment has been considered which significantly influenced the successful formation and subsequent development of graphic design in the region. Special attention is also devoted to the school role in forming the professional community and introducing innovative approaches to the educational process. The presented material allows to trace its continuity with a detailed study of the graduates' achievements both in academic and professional spheres. This enables to make conclusions about the importance and success of the educational strategies applied as well as about the significance of their use into the development of graphic design in the region.


Education in design, graphic design, graphic design in the regions, krasnoyarsk

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170207558   |   DOI: 10.31443/2541-8874-2024-3-31-132-149

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