Humanitarian incentives in the space of modern engineering-technical university

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The article deals with the problem of humanitarization of the modern University, which, according to the author, today is particularly in urgent need of a fundamentally new design - in terms of new forms of communication and education associated with the General concepts of "homosphere" of the University and its "humanitarian spaces". Conclusion: with the obvious technicalization of civilization and the global changes in the field of higher education that have begun in this regard, it is now short-sighted to put humanitarianism in the background. This is especially true of specialized engineering and technical University, the idea of which was originally based on the synergy of humanitarian culture and natural, the synthesis of culture and intellectual development of the individual. In pedagogy and philosophy today the humanitarian environment of modern engineering and technical universities is connected, first of all, with the inclusion of humanitarian courses in the curricula, including philosophy, history, foreign languages. However, in addition to the traditional forms of extra-curricular life in high school (student theater, choir, circle, festival, etc.), relevant humanitarian incentives of a new type (internationalization, Museum and media centers, image magazines), being the subject of creative searches in universities around the world. In many respects, thanks to humanitarian incentives, the University today is an intellectual flagship that actualizes new trends, sets new impulses to the movement and development trends of the city, region and country. In this regard, the University has phenomenal opportunities associated not only with the consolidation of students and teachers, University staff, but also with the humanization of the environment in the broad sense of the word.


Humanitarization of higher education, university, humanitarian space, university homosphere

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