Khan Timur, damask or archer: about etymology of the name of Tungusic chieftain Gantimur

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Gantimur who was the leader of one of Transbaikalia groups of mounted tungus (evenk) – neliudy in the middle of XVII century played significant role in Russian-Manchurian relations and in strenghening of Russian power in Eastern Transbaikalia in the second half of the XVII century. In the article analysis of several versions of the etymology of the name Gantimur (Turkish, Mongolian and Tungus-Manchurian) is given that is necessary to clarify the powerful status of Gantimur and its ethnic identification. It is proved that Turkish version that interpreted name Gantimur as «Timur Khan» is erroneous. Mongolian etymology that decrypted name Gantimur as «steel, damask» is found to be most convincing. The probability of origin of name Gantimur from Tungus-Manchurian words which have word «bow» in their structure is considered. Tungus-Manchurian version allows to interpet name Gantimur as «archer», «master, owning strong as iron bow». This interpretation is supported by the story about «Gantimur's bow» kept in family legends of Amur Cossacks Katanaevy and personal «signatures» («tamga») of Gantimur and his son Katanaj depicted bows. These signatures were found by the author in archival documents.


Transbaikalia, xvii век, xvii century, gantimur, tungus, origin of the name

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