Hand grip strength in 12 years old Children in Serbia – changes over 50 years

Автор: A. Ignjatović, G. Budimir Ninković, N. Stevanović

Журнал: Sport Mediji i Biznis @journal-smb

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.3, 2017 года.

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Recent epidemiological research indicate that contemporary youth are not as active as they should be. The result of this investigation showed slight increase in muscle strength in hand grip of children in Serbia. Youth in 1962 had slightly lower levels of muscle hand grip strength then their counterparts several decades after. However, average weight showed more significant increase over the same period. Weight of 12 years old youth increased from average of 36.26kg to 50.92kg. The increase of ≈ 15kg, make the increase of more than 40% for this time period. This reise serious concerns toward children trend of muscle strength development and overall health and physical capabilities. There is urgent need for changes in media content and opportunities for recreational and sporting events could motivate kids to get more involved in sports and physical recreation.


Hangrip strength, Secular changes, Children

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203680

IDR: 170203680

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