Health promotion in the UK national media: HIV and AIDS prevention discourse

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Modern infectious diseases strongly affect the expectancy of human life and its quality. The improvement of health literacy and promoting health awareness are some of the main tasks of any government medical policy. Communicative approach can help solve it. The objective of this research is to identify and analyse the discursive features of health promotion on the problem of HIV or AIDS in national media resource of the United Kingdom. The analysis was carried out on three criteria: content, communicative means and pragmatics of communication. The material of the research included texts published on the official website of National Health Service of the United Kingdom (NHS). As a conclusion, the discursive features of health promotion were shown in relation to British culture.


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IDR: 170187999   |   DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2020-10815

Список литературы Health promotion in the UK national media: HIV and AIDS prevention discourse

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