Английский язык в медицинской науке и коммуникации. Рубрика в журнале - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук
![British and American medical English: a comparative analysis of language differences British and American medical English: a comparative analysis of language differences](/file/thumb/170188002/british-and-american-medical-englisha-comparative-analysis-of-language.png)
British and American medical English: a comparative analysis of language differences
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The paper discusses two basic variants of English - British and American - in regard of their influence on the medical and healthcare discourse. The author claims that language differences between British and American medical terminology may be significant for international language learners and need clarification. The objective of the research is to identify and analyze the differences using the techniques of lexicographical and comparative analysis. The results of the research are categorized into healthcare and medical education terminology differences, medical specialty differences and spelling differences.
![Dr. Amin J. Barakat and Barakat syndrome Dr. Amin J. Barakat and Barakat syndrome](/file/thumb/170187998/dr-amin-j-barakat-and-barakat-syndrome.png)
Dr. Amin J. Barakat and Barakat syndrome
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The present paper discusses the problem of eponyms in medical terminology. Terminology as an independent linguistic discipline combines many areas that vary in degree of development, goals and research aspects. The authors show that eponymy is a naming of a proper name, things or phenomena in honor of real or mythical characters. Eponymy has a long tradition and is applied in all areas of scientific knowledge. The main focus of the article was put on the study and interpretation of the naming of Barakat syndrome or HDR syndrome - hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness, renal disease.
![English for a Russian medical practitioner: challenges and benefits English for a Russian medical practitioner: challenges and benefits](/file/thumb/170188006/english-for-a-russian-medical-practitionerchallenges-and-benefits.png)
English for a Russian medical practitioner: challenges and benefits
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English is an essential part of academic programmes in any medical university in Russia. According to the Federal educational standards undergraduate medical students study Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry and other basic subjects to understand how human bodies work. However, there are humanities including English that give some extra knowledge apart from specifically medical. There must be some important reasons for this. So in this article I would like to deal with the main aims and benefits of studying medical English and also cover some challenges that may appear. Every country has its own history, language, unique national and cultural features. At the same time, medicine and health studies share universal aspects that are common for all countries. The main goals of healthcare and medicine are disease prevention and treatment, health promotion and prolonging life. These are global objectives. The author of this paper argues that English along with professional competencies can be an effective instrument to achieve these goals. Medicine is an international science and speaking the same language doctors can succeed in dealing with global health challenges and threats.
![Eponymy in English medical terminology Eponymy in English medical terminology](/file/thumb/170187995/eponymy-in-english-medical-terminology.png)
Eponymy in English medical terminology
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This article gives a description and analysis of various groups of eponymous terms in medical terminology, explores their use in the anatomical, histological, pharmaceutical and clinical nomenclatures.The aim of the study was to analyze the eponyms of English medical terminology, to determine the features and possibilities of their functioning in modern medical terminology.The material of the research included analysis of various medical articles and scientific literature in the field of different branches of medicine.Conclusions.Eponyms play a significant linguistic role in technical and scientific terminology. The peculiarity of eponyms, formed from the names of researchers of science, lies in their main function - replacing long structures with shorter forms. In recent years, broad epimonization has been criticized quite reasonably, since eponymous terms often serve as sources of error and confusion.
![Health promotion in the UK national media: HIV and AIDS prevention discourse Health promotion in the UK national media: HIV and AIDS prevention discourse](/file/thumb/170187999/health-promotion-in-the-uk-national-mediahiv-and-aids-prevention-discourse.png)
Health promotion in the UK national media: HIV and AIDS prevention discourse
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Modern infectious diseases strongly affect the expectancy of human life and its quality. The improvement of health literacy and promoting health awareness are some of the main tasks of any government medical policy. Communicative approach can help solve it. The objective of this research is to identify and analyse the discursive features of health promotion on the problem of HIV or AIDS in national media resource of the United Kingdom. The analysis was carried out on three criteria: content, communicative means and pragmatics of communication. The material of the research included texts published on the official website of National Health Service of the United Kingdom (NHS). As a conclusion, the discursive features of health promotion were shown in relation to British culture.
![Healthcare and medical education through language: a comparative research of translation equivalents Healthcare and medical education through language: a comparative research of translation equivalents](/file/thumb/170188005/healthcare-and-medical-education-through-languagea-comparative-research-of.png)
Healthcare and medical education through language: a comparative research of translation equivalents
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A highly-trained medical practitioner should possess extensive professional expertise, skills and competence which involve some basic understanding of world healthcare systems’ structures, functions and healthcare practitioners who provide medical services. Our research focuses on the way a healthcare and a medical education systems as social institutes are reflected in the language. The hypothesis is that a linguistic comparative study could provide a deeper insight into a foreign culture including its medical and educational domains. The objective of our research is to investigate similarities and differences of British and Russian healthcare and education systems by defining basic vocabulary items naming British and Russian Medical Practitioners and People in Medical Education. The research procedure included several stages. The first stage involved a selection of English vocabulary corpus consisting of 15 nouns naming British medical practitioners and positions in medical education. At the next stage each item was supplied by an English definition and a Russian translation equivalent if any. Then the English and Russian items were compared regarding their definitions and translation equivalents. Linguistic methods and research in general and a comparative linguistic analysis in particular can be effectively used in professional competence development as well as in a widening of cultural horizons. The vocabulary corpus and definitions could be taught in EFL classes to Russian students of medicine.
![Improving communication skills in medical practice by mastering foreign languages Improving communication skills in medical practice by mastering foreign languages](/file/thumb/170188000/improving-communication-skills-in-medical-practice-by-mastering-foreign-languages.png)
Improving communication skills in medical practice by mastering foreign languages
Статья научная
The article is devoted to foreign language learning role in improving communication skills in medical practice. The authors claim the importance of the art of proper communication, notably in healthcare. The paper gives examples of how foreign language learning may help healthcare professionals improve their practical skills to have an effective conversation with the sick. It is concluded that mastering foreign languages is beneficial to doctors as it enables them to develop the necessary skills for maintaining a proper doctor-patient communication.
![Metaphoric medical terms with zoonym component in English and Russian medical discourses Metaphoric medical terms with zoonym component in English and Russian medical discourses](/file/thumb/170188001/metaphoric-medical-terms-with-zoonym-component-in-english-and-russian-medical.png)
Metaphoric medical terms with zoonym component in English and Russian medical discourses
Статья научная
This article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the metaphoric medical terms with the zoonym component in English and Russian medical discourses. The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of these metaphoric medical terms for the understanding of national peculiarities, and as a result, effective intercultural communication and overcoming communication barriers in healthcare cooperation. The objective of the research was to reveal whether medical conditions are nominated by metaphors with equal or different zoonym components in English and Russian medical discourses. The material of the research included English-Russian medical dictionaries and Russian-English medical dictionaries. Conclusions: The comparative analysis of the metaphoric medical terms with the zoonym components in English and Russian medical discourses has demonstrated that medical conditions may be nominated by metaphors with equal or different zoonym components.
![The language of preventive healthcare: coronavirus pandemic discourse The language of preventive healthcare: coronavirus pandemic discourse](/file/thumb/170188004/the-language-of-preventive-healthcarecoronavirus-pandemic-discourse.png)
The language of preventive healthcare: coronavirus pandemic discourse
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The paper discusses COVID-19 discourse in media texts of WHO official website published in March-April 2020. The objective of the research is to identify and analyze content, structural, pragmatic and linguistic features of media text with a particular focus on the communicative effect they might produce on the target audience. The authors conclude that WHO coverage of the pandemic is mainly associated with preventive strategies, which comprise a variety of macrostructural elements, pragmatic functions of information and persuasion, colloquial and topical vocabulary, imperative mood for advice and a wide usage of graphical means.
![Использование латинских заимствований в немецких медицинских статьях по неврологии Использование латинских заимствований в немецких медицинских статьях по неврологии](/file/thumb/170188003/ispolzovanie-latinskih-zaimstvovanij-v-nemeckih-medicinskih-statjah-po-nevrologii.png)
Использование латинских заимствований в немецких медицинских статьях по неврологии
Статья научная
Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению вопроса о влиянии латинских заимствований на медицинскую терминологию немецкого языка. Появление заимствованных терминов в связи с интенсивным развитием медицинской науки требует их тщательного изучения и грамотного применения. Цель состоит в определении роли латинских заимствований, частотности их использования в медицинских статьях немецкого языка, а также выявлении степени обогащения языка за счет проникновения новых терминов. Главным методом исследования, использованным в работе, явился метод лингвистического описания, наряду с этим использовались приемы этимологического анализа и сравнительно-сопоставительного метода.
![Лексические маркеры социальной тревожности Лексические маркеры социальной тревожности](/file/thumb/170187997/leksicheskie-markery-socialnoj-trevozhnosti.png)
Лексические маркеры социальной тревожности
Статья научная
В данной работе представлен анализ неологизмов, появившихся в период пандемии COVID-19. Стремительный рост количества рассматриваемых неологизмов, лексических маркеров социальной тревожности, свидетельствует о ситуации гипертрофированной реакции адаптации при распространении пандемии. В статье рассматриваются производные лексические единицы, созданные на основе аббревиации и усечения основы; показан путь формирования официального именования заболевания.
![Типология онимов в стоматологических терминах, образованных на основе имен собственных Типология онимов в стоматологических терминах, образованных на основе имен собственных](/file/thumb/170188007/tipologija-onimov-v-stomatologicheskih-terminah-obrazovannyh-na-osnove-imen.png)
Типология онимов в стоматологических терминах, образованных на основе имен собственных
Статья научная
В статье рассматриваются стоматологические термины, образованные на основе имени собственного. Онимы стоматологической терминологии представлены разнообразными типами имен собственных: антропонимами - термин содержит в своем составе имя собственное ученого - первооткрывателя; топонимами - термин получивший название по наименованию георафической местности. Данные термины были разделены на несколько групп: медицинские препараты и материалы с именами собственными в своем составе и термины с именами собственными, обозначающие анатомическое сторение зубов и патологии зубов и ротовой полости.