Hemingway and a new kind of war

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In the polemical article of Professor V.I. Nemtsev, the drama of the Nobel Prize in literature by E.M. Hemingway «The Fifth Column» is comprehended. The play shows from inside the work of the secret police of the Republican government of Spain in 1937 - 1939 and become more understandable all subsequent decades of world history. The play reflects, in particular, a new type of war of the XX and XXI centuries, underground. This war has now become an indispensable reality. As well as information technology, known as the «fifth column». This also includes voluntary collaboration, in every possible way contributing to the elimination of those who actively resist the enemy. The statistical picture of the modern world is highly distorted in our time . As an example, the article draws attention to individual Russian novels that show nuclear war the way it is unknown to science and which it cannot be. It is recommended to pay special attention to the fiction and scripts of films and computer games for young people related to military and historical themes, so that the audience receives an objectively truthful product. Entertaining does not mean deliberate introduction of confusion and sense absurdities to young heads. Hemingway's play adequately reflected the prewar historical background of Europe , and to this day it contributes to an accurate understanding of some of the military and political processes of the modern world. In the drama can be found and an indication of a way to get rid of all the wars in the world. All this makes the work of an American writer attractive.


Fifth column, war, counterintelligence, love, play, struggle, methods of war, goals of war, radiation

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