Heroic contribution of Pskov in the protection of the Russian North during the "northern" wars at the end of XVI - to the beginning of XVIII centuries

Автор: Egorov А.М.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: History

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2012 года.

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The article deals with difficult problems of cross-border relations in the north of Europe have not lost their importance and relevance to the present. In the work we showed the events reflected and so-called “Northern” wars middle. XVI − the beginning. XVIII centuries. In the form how they look through the lens of a key border town in the north-western border of Russia, Pskov, which was at this period the main city of Russian statehood in the Northwest and the country, was in the middle of international controversy. Article introduces the scientific revolution, some little known facts that allows to use more objective look at the history and present of the North and North-West Russia.


Centralized state, a geopolitical vacuum, strategic, military conflict, dynastic controversy, claim, privilege, an international treaty, neutrality, intervention, border truce, diplomacy, the demarcation, the coalition, disposition, surrender


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148320472

IDR: 148320472

Список литературы Heroic contribution of Pskov in the protection of the Russian North during the "northern" wars at the end of XVI - to the beginning of XVIII centuries

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