Chemical composition of fruits of amelanchier rotundifoliaand the development of alcoholic beverage based on it

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On the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region there is a significant number of both wild and cultivated fruit and berry crops with a unique chemical composi- tion; one of them is Amelanchier rotundifolia. Amelanchier rotundifolia fruits are mainly used for domestic preparations; in industrial production of alcoholic beverages they have not been applied. The aim of the study was to investigate chemical composition of Amelanchier rotundifolia growing in Krasnoyarsk Region and develop the formulation of sweet tincture based on it. The collection of raw materials was made in Emelyanovsky district of Krasnoyarsk Region in the period of technological maturity (August). Chemical composition of Amelanchier rotundifolia has been stated. High con- tent of extractives (15.07 %) and sugars 10.83 % have been found. Received data testify about the presence of in fruits of Amelanchier rotundifoliaunchangible and important for the organism ele- ments, such as sodium (25.13 mg/kg), potassium (1602...


Fruits, amelanchier rotundifolia, tincture, beverage, formulation, organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters

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