Choreographic plastic in the mystery of the Tsam and Buryat's traditional culture

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Article is devoted to dances of a mystery Tsam performed by Buddhist lamas monks of Buryatia. Certainly, mysteriological dances came from Tibet, but you should not deny also the fact that the Buddhism, on the one hand, exerted strong impact on local traditional culture, about another, it appeared under the influence of national (dobuddiysky) culture. So, many elements of gesticulation, dance of lamas in a mystery Tsam remind or directly reproduce kinetics of ancient Buryat hunting ritual actions, national fight, traditional ceremonial games. After persecutions in the 1930th g on religious faiths the mysteriological ceremony appeared in oblivion and only 85 years later is restored in Kalachakra’s datsan (Ulan-Ude, the Republic of Buryatia). In this regard sharply there was a question of revival and reconstruction of dancing mysteriological culture, reconstruction not only initial Buddhist plasticity, but and preservation in it primordial Buryat elements. From here the comparative analysis of plasticity of dancers of a mystery with plasticity of national Buryat dances, national fight and traditional ritual and ceremonial actions is submitted relevant


Buddhism, lamaism, mystery tsam, buddhist dancing of the gods, national struggle, hunting dances, plastics, masks, dances in masks, buryat wrestling

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IDR: 144161117

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