The Christian tombstone from the byzantine site of Gorzuvita (southern coast of Crimea)

Автор: Evdokimova A.A., Mastykova A.V., Svoyskiy Yu.M.

Журнал: Краткие сообщения Института археологии @ksia-iaran

Рубрика: Древности Крыма и Тамани

Статья в выпуске: 271, 2023 года.

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The paper examines a fragment of an inscribed tombstone found at the Byzantine site of Gorzuvita located in the Artek international children's center (Southern Coast of Crimea) in 2018. By visual examination of the find, the inscription was read and the tombstone was identified as Christian. To ensure a more reliable interpretation of the inscription, a polygonal 3D model of the tombstone fragment was developed employing a geometrybased visualization of the surface which made it possible to correct the initial reading. Based on the dataset of the collected paleogeographical, archaeological and linguistic data, the epitaph on the tombstone was read as “[Κ(ύρι)ε or (Ι(ησου)ς Χ(ριστο)ς), ἀ]νάπ[αυσον τὸν] δο[ῦλον σοῦ / τοῦ Θεοῦ / Χριστοῦ]” which means “[Our Lord], think upon the slave [of God (the name of the deceased)]” and was dated to the 6th-7th centuries.


Southern coast of crimea, byzantine epigraphy, byzantine settlement, church constructions, necropolis, tombstone, 3d digital modelling

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143182410   |   DOI: 10.25681/IARAS.0130-2620.271.184-198

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