Chronotope "Soviet century": new methodology

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The article presents the fundamental editions of domestic and foreign authors, published after 2017 and devoted to the «Soviet century». «Chronotopes of the Soviet civilization» became the basic categories of the book of the famous German professor K. Schloegel «The Soviet Century. Archeology of the Perished World» (2018). Such a methodological approach is close to the paradigms of Professor GG. Dadamian «in Atlantis of Soviet Art.» This methodology was considered in the reports at the Dadamian Memorial Conference (Moscow, 2018). Also presented are methodological innovations in a number of other works: studies by Yuri Slezkin, including: «Government House» (2018); Mikhail Zygar's educational project «The Empire Must Die» (2017). The author of the article believes that modern scholars avoid imposing their ideologies on the past. Studying the meanings of a bygone time, they strive to define typical spatial forms of the «Soviet century». It is proposed to define the functions of the «chronotope of the two-time», which conjugates the different stages of the 100-year history of the «Soviet century».


Culture, civilization, progress, chronotope of the "soviet century"

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IDR: 148314340

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