The artistic force of E.K. Evenbach, a student of “Roerich’s school”

Автор: Lyashenko S.V., Melnikov V.L.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Культура и цивилизация

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2024 года.

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The Renaissance of female art education took place in “Roerich’s school” in St. Petersburg, with Yevgenia Konstantinovna Evenbach’s creativity involved. The article aims to disclose the artistic potential of E.K. Evenbach, a student of “Roerich’s school”. There are presented transformations in the art education of “Roerich’s school”: the intensified teaching of general subjects, creation of art and industry workshops, invitation of outstanding artists for teaching, and teaching women. The School elaborated the principle of uniting the material and non-material cultural heritage, which is registered in the Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments. The article describes E.K. Evenbach’s artistic formation in “Roerich’s school” where she attended the classes of N.K. Roerich and A.A. Rylov. She mastered her artistic techniques by making sketches of exhibits in the Historical Museum named after A.N. Pol. The authors determine specifics of E.K. Evenbach’s artistic development before World War I, when she studied in the class of Ya.F. Tsionglinsky, took the Higher female (Bestuzhev) courses and the ones in the Institute of Art History; during the war - she did nursing courses and made sketches of war scenes and Sisters of Mercy’s portraits. There is characterised E.K. Evenbach’s artistic activity after World War I, which focuses on her work with monuments of painting and architecture in Veliky Novgorod, and illustrating children’s books. E.K. Evenbach’s artistic heritage involves creating manuals for northern indigenous peoples and works devoted to the Oirots. Her artistic works are displayed in national museums, private collections and galleries. E.K. Evenbach remarkably brought into life the legacy of “Roerich’s school” in her artistic and teaching practice.


Culture, fine arts, the imperial society for the encouragement of the arts, the drawing school, nicholas roerich, art education, yevgenia evenbach, painting, architecture, children’s books

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IDR: 140305371   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10967964

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