The identity of the East in the West, and the West in the East

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Urgency. In an unprincipled society ideology is sure to be, but only on the strategy of the opponent. If, for example, is planted the tree will grow upwards and outwards, it will be deprived of the roots. The horizontally growing tree contradicts its genetic predisposition, so sooner or later it will be eradicated by the looking gardener, but perhaps the "other owner" will be able to cultivate it with vaccinations of other plants and get the fruits a hundred times sweeter. Category of identity. Of course, both in the West there is the East and in the East there is a place to the West. A man who lives in his mountain, steppe or sea element, where what is born and remains so for life. Each person is aware of his or her affiliation on national, religious, linguistic and other grounds. At first, he realizes himself, then grows into a social community, as a result, he establishes the norms in the family and in the workplace in the traditions given to him. Analysis of the marginalization of Russians in the East and in the West. The indigenous people of the East, who have education and decent work, remain in their native republics. Break away from their ancestral cortex-Ney, as a rule, cosmopolitans, which "where to feed - there will be their homeland." If they do not wish to integrate into their home world, then any country for them will be seen as a way to meet their needs. Their way of holding on to the Diaspora helps to capture business in markets, construction and transport, creating employment problems for autochthonous peoples. Since then, immigration has been almost non-existent except for investors taking over plants and factories inherited from the Soviet Union. Autochthonous peoples are deprived of the right to rent from natural resources, the development of national enterprises and the sovereign development of the country. Discussion discourse of East and West. If we do not build our plants, but give them to Western investors, then there are problems with employment and social employment. If we do not develop our agriculture, and are aimed at everything ready, provided by the world trade organization, then we will eat, respectively, genetically modified organisms, harmful to health, but bringing profit to their owners. Hence the lack of respect and sanctions, as well as planning to select the "orphan" territories adjacent to the Eastern or European States. Conclusion. It is necessary to conduct international diplomacy with all peoples not to the detriment of the autochthonous peoples of Russia.


Complementarity, marginalization, immigration, assimilation, russophobia, sanctions, identity

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