The identification of potato genotypes in selection for the suitability for processing in the process in the course of long storage

Автор: Gayzatulin A.S., Mityushkin A.V., Zhuravlev A.A., Mityushkin al-r V., Salyukov S.S., Ovechkin S.V., Simakov E.A.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 10, 2019 года.

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The implementation of promising direction of modern potato selection provides for the creation of varieties suitable for processing into potato products not accumulating reducing sugars during longterm cold storage. In this regard, the evaluation of 107 varieties and hybrids of the collection nursery, potentially suitable for processing the quality of crispy potato slices at different storage temperatures was carried out and parental forms with stable manifestation of this sign for the inclusion in direct and reverse crosses were allocated. 46 hybrid populations from parents crossing with different degree of suitability for processing were studied on the basis of the analysis of the frequency of occurrence ofsuitable genotypes among the hybrids of the first generation of tubers on color of slices of crispy potatoes after harvesting, in 3-5 months of storage at t = 4-5 °C in the conditions of "climate control" of potato storage and in the refrigerator at t = 2-3 °C without reconditioning and after warming up within 14 days at t = 18-20 °C. It was established that the efficiency of selection of highly suitable hybrids not requiring reconditioning depended on the genotype of parental forms, which caused high level of manifestation of this sign and the direction of their use as crossing component.


Potatoes, selection, initial material, suitability to processing, reconditioning

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IDR: 140245573

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