Identifying Cross-Site Scripting Attacks Based on URL Analysis

Автор: Zhihua Tang, Ning Zheng, Ming Xu

Журнал: International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing(IJEM) @ijem

Статья в выпуске: 5 vol.2, 2012 года.

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Cross-site scripting (XSS) is one of the major threats to the security of web applications. Many techniques have been taken to prevent XSS. This paper presents an approach to identify Cross-Site Scripting attacks based on URL analysis. The fundamental assumption of our method is that the URL contains a part that can produce a valid JavaScript syntax tree. First, we extract the parameters of the URL to produce a valid JavaScript syntax tree and weight its parsing depth. If its depth exceeds a user-defined threshold, the URL is considered suspicious. Second, to the exception URLs, a second level of defense is formed by analyzing its structure. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach can effectively distinguish most of the malicious URLs from the benign ones.


Cross-site scripting, depth level, structure

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IDR: 15014338

Список литературы Identifying Cross-Site Scripting Attacks Based on URL Analysis

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