International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing

О журнале:

International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing (IJEM) is a peer reviewed journal in the field of engineering and manufacturing. The journal is published 6 issues per year, and all papers will be blind reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee.

IJEM is a peer reviewed journal publishing refereed, high quality original research papers in all areas of engineering and manufacturing. IJEM is also an open access product focusing on publishing conference proceedings, enabling fast dissemination so that conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue.

IJEM has been indexed by several world class databases: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, Open Access Articles, Scirus, CNKI, CrossRef, JournalTOCs, etc...

The journal publishes original papers in the field of engineering and manufacturing covers, but not limited to the following scope:

Electronic Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Energy Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Agricultural Engineering

Bioinformatic Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Material Science and Technology

Physics and Engineering

Information Engineering

Management Engineering

Educational Technology

Computer Science

Software Engineering

Network Engineering

Communications Technology

Geographic Information Engineering

Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Modern Design Theory and Technology

Automation and Control

Environmental Engineering

Civil Engineering


Modern Education & Computer Science Press

Печатный 2305-3631. Электронный 2306-5982.

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Stability Analysis of Stage Structure Prey-Predator Model with a Partially Dependent Predator and Prey Refuge

Stability Analysis of Stage Structure Prey-Predator Model with a Partially Dependent Predator and Prey Refuge

Shireen Jawad, Raid Kamel Naji

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We propose a stage structure predator-prey model with a partially dependent predator and prey conservation. It is taken that the environment has been divided into two disjoint regions, namely, unreserved and reserved areas, where a predator is not allowed to enter the latter. The first model describes four species: prey refuge (prey in the reserved zone), prey in the unreserved zone, mature and immature predators. The predator is partially dependent on the prey in the unprotected area. The existence of ecological equilibria and their local and global stability is investigated. By using the Lyapunov theorem, sufficient conditions on the global stability of the equilibriums are obtained. Some numerical simulations show the viability of our results. The results show that the reserved area has a stabilizing impact on the stage structure predator-prey model.


Achieving Performability and Reliability of Data Storage in the Internet of Things

Achieving Performability and Reliability of Data Storage in the Internet of Things

Negar Taheri, Shahram Jamali, Mohammad Esmaeili

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Internet of things (IoT) includes a lot of key technologies; In this emerging field, wireless sensors have a key role to play in sensing and collecting measures on the surrounding environment. In the deployment of large-scale observation systems in remote areas, when there is not a permanent connection with the Internet, the network requires distributed storage techniques for increasing the amount of data storage which decreases the probability of data loss. Unlike conventional networked data storage, distributed storage is constrained by the limited resources of the sensors. In this research, we present a distributed data storage method with the combined K-means and PSO clustering mechanism organized with the binary decision tree C4.5 in the IoT area with considering efficiency and reliability approach. This scheme can provide reliability in responding to inquiries while minimizing the use of energy and computational resources. Simulation results and evaluations show that the proposed approach, due to the distributed data storage with minimal repeat publishing according to the decision tree structure, increases the reliability and availability, reduces the communication costs, and improves the Energy consumption, saving memory consumption without registering the same event and compared to other methods performed in this area have good results.


Cystic Region Detection Using Hybrid Fuzzy-based Multi-Region Normalization

Cystic Region Detection Using Hybrid Fuzzy-based Multi-Region Normalization

S.Prasath, D.Karthiga Rani

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One of the main purposes of this approach is to automatically extract the cystic border. Several of the semi-automatic segmentation strategies that have already been used may result in incomplete categorization, which is likely to fail as well as causes solitary pixel in noise dentistry x-rays images due to sampling artifact. As such, cyst boundaries are not removed appropriately. It focuses on the elimination of solitary pixels caused by artefacts. This suggested technique uses both the fuzzy memberships function of every pixel as well as localized spatially information of the neighbor pixels to accomplish the maximum feasible levels of automated processes for computers-aided diagnostics or identification of illnesses. That fuzzy-based multi-region normalization is implemented in five phases. To begin, FCM techniques are used to determine the numbers of centroids. This fuzzified function is constructed as well as provides memberships degree numbers to any and every pixel within every class based on the number of cluster centers as well as the shape of the histogram. It generates an intermediary segmentation output by fuzzy memberships degrees at about this step. This fuzzy localized aggregating of the neighborhood pixels will be the fourth phase, with the greatest responsiveness of the memberships degree generating pixels being kept in mind only for ultimate cystic area retrieved outputs.


Design of the Wing of a Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV

Design of the Wing of a Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV

Oluwafemi A. Adeleke, Godwin E. Abbe, Paul O. Jemitola, Sadiq Thomas

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Over time, the need to extend the endurance of fixed-wing UAVs has been a challenge and requirement for the aviation industry. As a result, there are many ongoing researches on how to address this challenge while developing new concepts for an aircraft wing. This paper presents the methodology applied in the design of the wing of a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is intended for intelligence and surveillance (ISR) missions. A conceptual design was developed with the aircraft having a hybrid wing for the purpose of improving its structural design. The wing has two spars and thirteen ribs a side with an all-composite structure. Initial calculations were performed theoretically, thereafter, analyzed using the finite element analysis tool.


Smart Lighting System Using LoRa WAN Technology

Smart Lighting System Using LoRa WAN Technology

Ashish Jha, Menuka Maharjan

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The augmentation of the populace and the addition of the street have expanded the no of the streetlamp, for the street and individual’s security, which builds the venture and energy. Lighting burns-through satisfactory measure of energy in both open-air and indoor. Anyway, various methodologies are being proposed for making the framework energy effective and updated with the most recent innovation. This exploration gives the exact and the best command over the energy proficient road lighting framework. It will give the functional execution utilizing LoRa and the Arduino just as the data utilizing different sensors. This exploration provides conservation of energy and with efficient monitoring of light as well as accident that happen in road due to less efficacy presences of light.


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