Gaming technology in the formation of humanistic values in young people

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In the article author views humanism not as the praise of any individual personality but as a demanding and responsible attitude towards it which combines both personal and social interests. A humane and free personality cannot develop under an authoritarian system of socialization and upbringing, while leisure has the full teaching potential required for harmonizing the system of values of a person and their surroundings. The author provides the evidence that game, as an accessible and engaging type of leisure, meeting the interests of modern youth, proves to be the most effective way of teaching humanist values to young people. The term “game” in the article is understood as the process during which a person finds practical application to their knowledge and experience, investigates and broadens their understanding of the world, acquires new skills necessary for a successful life. Further in the article the features of a game are described which show the advantages of the given approach in shaping humanist values of young people. The author provides a classification of the teaching techniques used in educational projects, states their basic features, analyses their role in shaping the personality of young people, in forming their values and life principles. The author underlines that game techniques prove to be the most effective way of shaping humanist values of young people. Their strong entertaining and recreational potential allows them to fulfill complex teaching tasks. Game techniques stimulate activity of young people, motivate them for success, create the conditions for independent intellectual, creative and physical development, provide the opportunity to make decisions and take full individual and collective responsibility for them.


Humanism, humanist values, game, game techniques, learning, upbringing, leisuretime activities for young people

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